End of year update from the IYH Team

Jo and her two daughters, Sophie and Xanthe, went to Nepal in November to visit the people whom we are working with to help rebuild Nepal. They are, The Mandala Organisation and the Nepal Youth teams.
Not only did they meet them, they came back more inspired than ever to try and help get these communities back on their feet and in a better place than before the earthquake. 
Jo established and visited where two schools are going to be built and what costs were involved. These are now being built and should be ready by March this year.
The two schools are:
School 1: is in Gorkha and will cost $4500
School 2:is in  Hagam and will cost $10500 for the school building, $2000 for the Internet and computers and $1500 for a toilet block.
Both schools will have toilet facilities and Internet connection with computers so they can connect with other schools from different countries which leads us into the brilliant Sydenham High School (where Sophie goes to school). They have now started to fund raise to raise enough money to build a school and then maintain relations with the children and teachers if that school. The possibilities are endless in terms of educational support. Nepal schools can benefit from curriculum support and a fascinating and enriching opportunity for the British children to make friends with their same age group in a very different world. One day they may visit and even volunteer to teach there.
Jo and the girls also collected bracelets and pashminas to sell at the Christmas fairs and they did so well that they raised enough for a toilet block for one of the schools!
The visit was very constructive as now we have first hand knowledge, video and photos of the communities we are helping, the cost, time frame and who we are trusting to make it all happen.
We would like to give particular thanks to Mahendra Thapa and his team from the Mandala Organistation.

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