Fund Raisers are visiting Nepal to see IYH projects

We have been overwhelmed by the effort some people have gone to so they can help improve lives in Nepal with IYH. Here are  a couple of stories from those who have Not only raised money but are now going out to see what happens in Nepal.
Jo is leading a team of 16 partners and supporters to visit the schools we are supporting. They will be handing out the new uniforms that they have all worked so hard to raise money for.
RUTH LEWIS - why we cycled 50km for IYH
Inspired firstly by all the amazing work completed so far by IYH and then the very real  goal of providing warm uniforms for the children, we decided it was time to get off the sofa and onto our bikes to raise some funds for the cause. 
One Sunday morning last October, Shaun and I together with my boys Gabe (14)and Joel (12) were joined by our friends Deborah and Josh (14) to ride 50km in the New Forest. The support we had from friends, family and classmates has been amazing and we have raised over £2,300 for our efforts which will clothe 85 children...amazing! 
20 years ago I was fortunate to live in Nepal for 5 months and to work alongside Nepalese people on the rivers. They were the most generous and friendly of people who never thought twice about sharing what they had with us Westerners, so I feel honoured to be able give a little back where it's so badly needed. 
Can't wait to visit these children and give them the warm clothing they so deserve.



Jo & Co do Tough Mudder for IYH

Jo’s Report...WE DID IT! Tough Mudder done...
I was dreading it! But it was sooo much fun... despite the bruises and despite that moment when I was up to my neck in muddy water, clambered over a ridiculously big obstacle and my head went completely under the water.... uuugh!
Totally fab team but unbelievable generosity of all those who sponsored us and donated. It is for warm school uniforms for all of the children in the schools IN YOUR HANDS support in Nepal. We have raised an amazing £2255.00
So the biggest THANK YOU to all of you!

Several of the Tough Mudder team are joining Jo in Nepal next week.

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