Siddhartha School Upgrades

We have TMO (The Mandala Organisation) as our partners in Nepal and we have Shanta as our IYH Manager. What more could we want. The government has also been working hard here too.

our goal for 2017 was to complete Gorkha school to a high standard and then have that as a template for the other 4 schools. That is exactly what is happening. We will upload a separate blog on Gorkha but right now Shanta is at Siddhartha School. This school has 40 children and is the smallest school we are helping. It is linked with Auchnaghatt School in the Highlands of Scotland and they have a similar number or primary children. They will be very happy to see their future friends in Nepal are no longer having lessons under tarpaulin in a tin shack.

Shanta is now upgrading the educational materials and furnishings to help to create a good learning environment. She will also be repeating her work that has been so successful at Gorkha with regard to hygiene lessons and routines.



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